You know I couldn’t reference Oz without bringing in at least one song… and it’s fitting. You’ll remember the house landed with a thud, a colorful place opened up, and a host of friendly people began singing their welcomes and representing their organizations… the Lullaby League, the Lollipop Guild, etc… The people who have welcomed me are not Munchkins, but it took them about as long to become dear to me (which means, no time at all).
In January, I moved to a home about 2 hours closer to the Silent Blessings Deaf Ministries office. My host has a cat, Suzy, who looks just like one of the cats I gave up in 2008 to begin this adventure. She has the same build, coloring, and demeanor – sometimes wishing to be off by herself, and other times wishing to be in someone’s lap. She has lifted some of the ache of missing my darlings.
My host and I enjoy variety in movies, activities, and dining. He is equally enthusiastic as a tour guide, table game opponent, movie watcher, and southern gospel concert companion. We are enjoying having discussions on a variety of topics, even some which we see from differing viewpoints.
His church has become my church. Nothing is diminished from the other three congregations I call home, but I now have yet another place of refreshing. They choose the old hymns from the hymn book, meaty songs that I grew up with, songs that lead me more quickly to worship than those generally sung in today’s churches. The people are warm, welcoming, and encouraging – just like the folks up north that I miss so much, and those down south that I visit too infrequently. We have developed friendships quickly, and they have embraced my mission field as part of their own.
I have settled into my place at the office, complete with my name on the door. We’re investing most waking moments in the VBS materials that will be tested this summer in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Arizona, and possibly North Carolina. We’re in that blissful and exhausting place of being both excited and worn plum out.
I’ve spent more time getting to know another host, who also enjoys variety in dining, films, and topics of discussion. Once a week, I work a little later at the office and save gasoline by staying in town. This cuts my drive time for the next morning down to 5 minutes, allowing me to start the day earlier. He is an excellent sparring partner for banter, and the resident expert on all things Middle Earth. I am blessed to have several networks of friends.
I’ve been encouraged to learn of a few more deaf ministry start-ups, and look forward to tying some of these miniature networks together, that we may have even farther impact than our individual reaches would allow. That’s how God does things, cooperation that shows off both diversity and unity. Not uniformity, but that’s another article.
God is moving to reach the deaf community, and we’re in on it. What could be more wonderful?
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