Like thousands of other contributors on the internet, I have made the decision to participate in Affiliate Programs – the opportunity to get a few coins when someone chooses to shop via a web page found on this site. Every nickel counts, y’know. To that end, I sold a little corner of my website for advertisements, submitted my information and surfed through a list of several hundred advertisers and pages of licensing agreements.
One of the items I agreed to was that I would clearly define a privacy policy regarding any personal information gathered or tracking cookies deposited. Here it is:
If you subscribe to this blog, the email address you submit will be stored in the internal mechanisms of this blog so that you can receive automated notices of new articles. Other than that purpose, I don’t look into who you are or what your email address is. I value my privacy, therefore I value yours as well.
If you click on an advertisement link, the software provided by the advertiser will lead you to the website designated by the advertiser. The advertiser may or may not deposit cookies on your computer to indicate that your computer has accessed their site. It’s a rather common and harmless thing, as long as it’s from legitimate advertisers.
If you choose to make a purchase from one of these advertisers, the product, pricing, and fulfillment is their responsibility, and payment for goods and services requested is your responsibility. I can neither provide their products nor pay for your purchase. Any information you provide will be submitted live on the advertiser’s site, I will have no visibility to it or record of it.
As far as I know, that sums it up in less than 32 pages. You are hereby enlightened and empowered to make your own decisions with regard to online purchases and/or information you would provide to this or any other website.