Fear Not – Week 2

Stand Firm, Trust God, and Fear Not

Exodus 14:13 – God got the people out of Egypt, then let them see their situation….trapped between a sea of water and a sea of soldiers…and they did what people often do, panic & cry for the devil they know. God calls us into the unknown and gives us opportunities to see that He’s got a plan and the power for every circumstance. Stand firm, trust Him, and ‪#‎FearNot‬.

God is Good, not tame

Exodus 20:20 – Three months after leaving Egypt, the Israelites get a glimpse of God’s overwhelming presence. Moses told them this all-powerful God is the same One who rescued them, wants a relationship with His people, and knows that a healthy dose of awe goes a long way. As C.S.Lewis put it, He is not tame, but He is good. ‪#‎FearNot‬

Don’t Overestimate the Obstacles

Num 14:9 – The Israelites saw the plagues, celebrated the Passover, watched the Egyptian army drown in the Red Sea where they had just crossed on dry land, and approached the area that God had promised them. It was a sure bet, but they let fear get in the way, and they wanted to find another leader who would return them to slavery. When God makes a promise and proves Himself both capable and faithful, follow Caleb’s advice: Don’t rebel against God by overestimating the obstacles, ‪#‎FearNot‬.

Follow God, don’t let opposition stop you

The Israelites have been taking the long way around, since they passed on the plan to enter Canaan. They asked politely to go through Edom, the land of their cousins from Esau’s lineage – they were refused and blocked. They went through some territories with no issue, they were opposed and/or attacked by the armies of others (even when asking politely), and they still had complaining attitudes to deal with. God dealt with the attitudes, then in Num 21:34 He told them ‪#‎FearNot‬, I have given this army and its land to you.

Sometimes it doesn’t matter if you’re polite or assertive – you may still be blocked by family, attacked by outsiders, or even get self-destructive for a time. As long as you’re following God’s stated promise and direction, don’t let the opposition stop you.

Choose faith, starting here and now

It’s been 40 years, Moses is giving the next generation a history lesson, now that they’ve buried most of their parents outside of the promised land. This group needs to know, all together, who they are, where they came from, where they’re headed, and most importantly, who their God is. He starts the lesson by reminding them that God stood ready to give the promised land, that trust was to be placed in Him beyond fear and discouragement based in temporal circumstances (Deut 1:21).

Each day, we find ourselves where we are because of decisions – perhaps our own, perhaps someone else’s. You are here – take a moment to look back at the decision point, whether fear or faith won out, and where the decision led. Then, look at the faithfulness of the God you serve and take advantage of the chance to choose faith, today, from where you are.

God’s got this!

Deut 3:2, Moses continues the history lesson, reminding the young Israelites that when God says “‪#‎FearNot‬, I’ve got this”, the only right response is to fear not, because… (C’mon, it’s obvious…) God’s got this! Forward march, two, three, four…

Tell the stories of God’s faithfulness

Deut 3:22, Moses tells of passing his leadership responsibility to Joshua, the same who went with 11 others to scope out the promised land 40 years prior. Moses told Joshua to remember what he had seen, and how God had delivered and led them. It is our primary task as elders and mentors to encourage younger people to ‪#‎FearNot‬, based in their own experiences of God, and based in our years of experiences as well. We who have lived long enough to recognize that God truly is the same in character, while always fresh in demonstration, have a great responsibility to those who are choosing whether or not to follow the God we claim to serve. For the sake of generations coming after you, #FearNot to retell the stories of His faithfulness – He is as wise and loving and powerful as He’s ever been.