Happy Birthday, Love God

Chapel… I was present this time because I’m into supporting the people I care about, and a couple of them were involved in this morning’s service. Then, the speaker made a few pertinent comments…

Chronic health issues since HS, occurring on a 10 year cycle, living under the weight of concern, especially when approaching the next cycle, most recently approaching her 45th b’day… hmm…. this, of course, got my attention.

It’s my birthday, #45, and round ? of a recurring health issue. My cycle seems to be about 8 years, since my youth, and I’m on year 8 right now. I didn’t do the math until I started noticing familiar signals – I’m not that morbid!

Anyway…she went on with her presentation, about living upside down, Paul’s letter to the Phillipians, and particularly the section on having the mind of Christ in unity, preferring others above self. This is difficult when part of preferring the people you love is taking care of the person they love… do I really have the energy to serve someone else right now? Trust in God means saying ‘Yes’.

There’s a verse in Micah that I’ve been focused on for a few weeks, Micah 6:8…

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.

This was her followup verse, after she presented what ‘preferring others’ looks like… the kinds of things that I’ve been at least attempting to do.

Now, I don’t have the energy to build a stone altar, dig a trench, and fill it with 12 buckets of water just to prove that God is real and interacts with His people, nor am I up for getting the required fire permits. He’s awesome – the fact that many of us are still vertical demonstrates that well enough. He knows our individual heart-languages, thoughts, concerns, and He has His ways of getting His point across. Today, it was:

      • I’m still in charge, of everything
      • I’m paying attention, to you
      • Keep trusting Me, I’ve got you
      • Happy 45th Birthday, Love God

Since chapel, the soundtrack in my head has been playing the song “I Lift My Hands”, by Chris Tomlin. (no, it wasn’t in the chapel service, I haven’t heard it since once Saturday)

I lift my hands to believe again
You are my refuge, You are my strength
As I pour out my heart
These things, I remember

Be still, there is a healer
His love is deeper than the sea
His mercy, it is unfailing
His arms are fortress for the weak

An excellent bookend for the song I chose to start my day, By and By, Congolese version, presented by Selah and missionaries in their family:

By and by, when the morning comes
When the saints of God are gathered Home
We will tell the story of how we’ve overcome
and we’ll understand it better by and by