Jericho Walk, Day 2

Interesting….   went to the appointed place at the appointed time – today’s wall? Discouragement.  Had a fleeting thought that my walking companion wouldn’t show, Saturday afternoon and many things to do in the last two weeks of school, y’know.  But we had an appointment, and such thoughts frame discouragement, and my walking buddy would be there – not to worry.

Still in prayer, winding up really, as the door opened.  My comrade in arms was not doing well today – health? spiritual warfare? who’s to say?  We’ll address both possibilities, just in case, and so we did.  I went back to prayer, buddy went to the restroom.  A little time went by, and the door opened again, and someone called my name – “yes, that’s me”…”person needs things”…”ahh, I’ll be right there, with things”…  I arrived, and my pal was stuck on the floor, hurting much, unable to move.  Prayers and phone calls and prudent decisions later, I started on the walk while my pal went home to hold down the couch & hopefully feel better.  But a representative was sent with me…

This gave me a chuckle, but I’ll have to back up a little for it to make sense.  Remember, this is a reenactment, of sorts, of the people of Israel walking around the walls of Jericho, after which God knocked the walls down – so we’re praying against some walls.  In the scriptures, there’s a fair bit said about the Ark of the Covenant being in the procession – the representation of God, along with His instructions (10 Commandments) and evidence of His miracles on their behalf (Aaron’s staff).  Our Ark? The Bible: His Word, instructions, tales of miracles of healing and salvation.  The representative, or ‘fill in walker’ was a stuffed giraffe lovingly nicknamed Jesus (long before this venture, I should clarify).  Ark…Giraffe… it struck me as chuckle-worthy.

So, off I went, and began my attack on the wall of discouragement – alone.  Fitting.

Though, not actually alone, because I carried with me a part of my walking companion…and a part of the various people we’re walking for…and a part of the people who are praying for us and our encouragement…and a part of the people who we are seeking to serve… I carry with me bits of the outsiders, and the limited, and the misunderstood, and the broken, and the discouraged.  Yet, I don’t carry them, but He who ever walks with me, He carries them, and when my feet can’t handle my own weight, He even carries me.

What does it take to discourage you from the path you’ve set out on?  Illness? Plan interruptions?  The voice of earthly wisdom?  Going alone?  Take courage – be faithful to the plan – keep praying – keep walking – no shortcuts – keep God in the lead – the walls of discouragement will fall, just like the walls of Jericho.

Worth the read:

Tomorrow, we take on the wall of Perfectionism.

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