knowing our God is GOD & our Bible is Truth
- Fulfillments of prophecy, in history and as we observe current events
- The only spiritual structure that has God coming to Man (all others are Man trying to appease God – how can we know what appeases an unknowable god?)
- Archeological & Scientific findings vindicate the scriptures
- Noah’s ark is in Turkey
- Scientists traced migration patterns back to their origin, finding themselves at Mt Ararat
- Really big fish exist, so Jonah’s not such an impossible tale
- Writings on recently found buildings speak of Moses, Daniel, and other key figures
- Yet faith is still required
- Without faith it is impossible to please God
- must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him
- there is enough light for those who will believe, and for those who won’t, no proof is ever good enough
- And the right Bible Version is important
- God has protected His word, and will continue to do so
- Satan has worked hard to warp the texts, and will continue to do so
- The oldest trick in the book still works – “did God really say?”
- There are key differences between the ‘normal’ bible, Mormon bible, and Jehovah Witness bible – stick with those that jive with the KJV/NIV