June, 2008 – Graduation Sunday – the day for the church to honor her graduates…
As youth coach and mentor, I had my usual 30 brilliant ideas and last-minute to-do’s with top priority.
(Demand/Control: surrender 10, delegate 5, and receive 5 more)
…and the clock was spinning…
(I think it goes into hyper-drive right before deadlines)
…and the power went out – no lights, no music, no piano player…
I’m a little stubborn about the sentimental and ceremonial things, so when the last minute had passed,
I stepped to the front of the sanctuary and prepared to welcome our parade of graduates.
I asked the congregation to ‘sing’ Pomp & Circumstance
(daahh, dah-de-da, dah, dah…)
There’s nothing quite like the sight & sound of 40-70 people of every age becoming a vocal orchestra to perform a song we hear once annually (if that). I’m rather certain it has become my favorite rendition.
At which point I completely lost my mind and started rambling about each one of my darlings that were about to go off and join the big world… Some of them have moved forward with their declared plans, some have moved forward with new plans – but all have grown up, and I’m as proud of them as I ever was.