
Fear Not – Week 1

God is our Shield and Reward It is said that there are 365 “Fear Not”‘s in the scriptures…the first is in Gen 15:1, God’s promise to Abram that He will be both shield and reward…a promise that’s valid for us as well, and a good reason to #FearNot in 2015. Happy New Year. Realities don’t have …

Fortune Cookie Wisdom

Yes, for some odd reason, I keep some of my fortune cookie slips.  Every time I sort through papers, I find more of these little bits, and some of them have come at most opportune times to offer encouragement.  It’s in those moments that I offer a “Thank You”, because I believe God gives us …

A Child is Born

Any parent who has at least two children will testify that identical origins don’t necessarily produce identical results. Each child shows up with their own way of seeing the world and processing information… their spirits are special delivery, from the whisper of God.

“My Song”, a movie about identity

This film is 24 minutes long, and worth attention in every frame.  It is done by folks in the UK, so they use British Sign Language (BSL), with audio and captions.  You may want to have tissues handy.

2014 – Sept-Nov: Falling

Things have been falling… Whether “falling apart” or “falling together” is a matter of which venture the person you ask is thinking of at a given moment.