If it’s supposed to be resting, it’s running; If it’s supposed to be running, it’s plugged. I’m tellin’ y’all the truth, here – This ol’ body o’mine’s got me bugged!
Can you get to Heaven without an Ark?
It’s one of those topics that begs exploration and honest discussion. … It is right to prove the credibility of ideas – and yet such exploration can lead us to take more than a bite of the fruit of human knowledge. Ultimately, only one question matters.
Loving Someone with Chronic Fatigue
For background, see the article “Sim Games, a Metaphor for Life“. It gives a perspective of medical fatigue, a common symptom of several different ailments. There are folks who will go to the doctor for every headache and hangnail – and then there are the opposite types, like myself, who won’t go until there’s no …
2014 June-August: Invitations Accepted
This summer, I drove almost 3,000 miles, replaced 4 tires, met new people, visited old friends, and participated in half of the beta tests for the new bilingual (ASL/English) Vacation Bible School, Dr. Wonder’s Sign Lab. All the while, my Provider provided…my Protector protected…and He who knows me best managed the scheduling details so that …
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A Peek Over the Cliff
From “Oh Robin, our Robin“: There will be those, and I know some of them, who will speak of how selfish people must be to choose a fatal option. In a sense, when you consider the loss, agony, and guilt that living loved ones must cope with, “selfish” seems accurate. To address this “selfish” idea, …