
Oh Robin, our Robin

It is said that great comedy is often born of great pain.  Examples are cited, such as Jackie Gleason and Carol Burnett, Jonathan Winters, Jim Carrey, and yes, Robin Williams. One thing is certain, evidence abounds that fame and fortune do not generate peace and happiness. Highly successful musicians, poets, actors, and even comedians have …

I Second That

I haven’t been faithfully reading my favorite blogger lately.  Time outs happen to us all. I’m poking through a few titles, and just ran into this one – best that you read the whole article in her own words. “Well, Crap” – Tricia Lott Williford I second that.

Unhealthy Alignment

In the past few years of increased driving, I’ve started to notice a tendency that I’m having significant trouble correcting. It’s the unhealthy alignment of my right leg – dominant for drivers in the USA. Naturally, as my thoughts tend to do (especially when driving), I found a devotional thought in this observation.

2014 January – May: We Welcome You

You know I couldn’t reference Oz without bringing in at least one song…  and it’s fitting.  You’ll remember the house landed with a thud, a colorful place opened up, and a host of friendly people began singing their welcomes and representing their organizations… the Lullaby League, the Lollipop Guild, etc…  The people who have welcomed …

2013 October – December, Destination: Oz

At that moment, because God seems to like doing things that way, a husband & wife looked at one another and in unison said one word: “Dad”. By bedtime that night, it was settled…