Ahh, Star Trek… one of my favorites for several reasons. What fun it would be to schedule holographic vacations where you could take trips to anywhere and dance with computer-generated figures of just the right build and character… Then you could sit down to an actual meal of generated lobster with perfectly grilled asparagus… What …
2013 May-June: Ball’s Rolling
For an overview of the most recent few weeks (and one reason there haven’t been any blog posts), see the article on Sim Games: A Metaphor. I’m starting to climb out of the dangerous hole I’d wandered into, and with a low-cardio high-ministry week coming up, I should be in fine shape soon. At least, …
“JJ – Watermelon?” “Yes!” (do kids like candy?! of course I want some watermelon!) Back to finish my conversation, whatever it was. I glanced around & noticed that my friend was counting….3..4…and holding a small watermelon and a large knife. The voice of guilt kicked in, perhaps I should tell him that if there’s not …
Birthday Guilt
Imagine sitting under a large shade tree in the best part of Fall. Leaves are gently fluttering to the ground, one by one. Suddenly, a gust of crisp air sweeps many leaves to the ground in a flurry of activity. A few more leaves settle gently down, and peace is restored, though one more branch …