Blogger’s Note: Jennifer is a friend of mine, and the following transcript is provided for the signing impaired 😉 If you wish to contribute to her participation in the 2013 Summer Deaf Olympics, Please send your tax deductible check or money order to: USADSF (USA Deaf Sports Federation) PO Box 9130338 Lexington, KY 40591-0338 (Memo: Jennifer …
Tiny (Traveling) House
I’ve mentioned it in a few other articles, it’s been near the forefront of my mind for a couple of years, and it’s been a topic of conversation (sometimes debate or denial) since I graduated. It’s still the plan – I still intend to design & build a house, that looks like a house, on …
Bilingual Competency vs Interpreting
Competency in two languages does not an interpreter make. Now, how do I explain that (quickly, effectively, politely) to sincere opportunists who need communication to take place in two languages, only one of which they know? I’ll start directing them to this article. 🙂 Or, perhaps, to the article in Psychology Today. I am an …
2013 March: Marching On
I couldn’t resist, really – if you know me, you know it’s true. A play on words cannot go unplayed. For me, March came in with a bit of a roar, and went out quietly just before a cheer. Of course, we’re now more than a week into April, and the big news just hit …
Genesis 23-25, Settling Accounts
Abraham’s final years, his son Isaac’s marriage and twins Jacob and Esau. Their life trajectories begin.