
How Superstitions Start

I have to throw away my shoes. They’re fine shoes, my go-to shoes for a quick dash out the door, but there’s something about those brown shoes that make Doug’s friends see red. They haven’t said anything outright, they don’t really seem to take note, but there’s a strange coincidence between their worst occasions and …

Jesus, in His place

Another Easter is upon us, and with it, another couple of weeks of musing over an article I’ve had in mind every 6 months for about 3 years. No matter what may be said of Jesus and His followers the rest of the year, everyone gets an extra dose of tolerance during Christmas and Easter. …

Long Story Short

Admittedly, 46 years of impressions, studies, goals, successes, failures, pep-talks, and restarts is a long (LONG) story. Likewise, compressing it all into one line conclusions and whether current status can be considered progress or regress is another challenge that leaves out far too many details to satisfy most. I find myself back-pedaling to explain, then …

Genesis 22: Surrender Isaac

Isaac was born in chapter 21, when Abraham was 100 years old. Hagar and Ishmael, the Egyptian servant and her son by Abraham (at Sarah’s prompting) were sent away.   Years went by, and God came to Abraham and asked him to give up, as a burnt offering, this miracle son through whom He had promised …

Liberties & Rights

A radio speaker recently mentioned that the word ‘Liberty’, once frequently praised as a core aspect of American life, has fallen into disuse. We don’t refer to our liberties as much as we used to, or give thanks to the God and soldiers and decision makers who provided and preserved them for us. The word …