
2012 August: Landing

August is gone.  My to-do list isn’t. I have a tri-board that I’d like to set up, scrapbook style, with seed thoughts for deaf and hearing as they relate to ministry.  I’m really excited about it, while I’ve been focused on getting other things done first. A board, check.  A plan, check.  Initial reviews, check. …


Do you know Jesus’ family once thought He was nuts?  They came to talk sense into Him, only to find Him drawing a line in the sand: “those who obey my Father are my mother and brothers” – ouch! He set up a boundary, and let it be known that He had no intentions of …

Relationships: design & distortion

It’s not good for the man to be alone – I will make a helpmeet for him. (Gen 2:18) DISCLAIMER: Yes, I know there are exceptions, I’ve met several of them. The trend, however, still significantly outweighs the exceptions. <END DISCLAIMER> Guys seem to know this inherently… let a woman get sick, and she’ll hide …

2012 July: ?Missions Report?

Honestly, when I think back on the missionary reports over my years of growing up in the church, I pretty much remember pictures and ‘blah blah…support…blah blah…new school…blah blah…thank you’.  Other than the pictures and native songs & artifacts, it ranked right up there with the annual church business meeting for best time to tune …