June, 2008 – Graduation Sunday – the day for the church to honor her graduates… As youth coach and mentor, I had my usual 30 brilliant ideas and last-minute to-do’s with top priority. (Demand/Control: surrender 10, delegate 5, and receive 5 more) …and the clock was spinning… (I think it goes into hyper-drive right before deadlines) …and the …
Mom Graduates at 50
It was standing room only in the chapel, I knelt beside my Dad. The faculty moved to one side so some guests could sit on the platform. Mom was graduating, moving a tassel. It had been a long time coming. If she were to be suitably cheered, it was up to me… “Jan Jarrell” ALRIGHT …
Meet my Parents
In the mid 1960’s, a handsome airman pursued a lovely young lady who caught his eye in the church they attended. No sooner were they married when he received orders to go overseas for a time, and his bride moved across the country to join his family while he was away. In due time, I was born there, where I …
“Must I be the scapegoat for the damages to your community, real and perceived, because of my heritage?” The previous article, ‘Prejudiced?‘, addresses my honest disagreement with the theory that everyone is prejudiced. We do not all pre-judge negatively without evidence. I do concede that we all automatically assesses new situations, people, and substances on …
“Everyone is prejudiced, whether they know it or not.” I’ve heard this statement several times lately, from sources I respect and others I don’t. After careful consideration and personal evaluation, I still disagree. Because I respect some of the people who buy into this absolute notion, I wonder if the matter might not come down …