Not enough. In the US, statistics suggest about 2%. This world of people that live and work among the hearing majority in every country is currently under-reached with the gospel of Christ. They do not overhear conversations among others, radio and uncaptioned television broadcasts, or random bits of news and debate. They do not, in …
Love Dare
Years ago I chose to walk through the Love Dare book, taking on the challenge to actively express God’s love to another person, when it wasn’t convenient, fun, or particularly rewarding. It was an opportunity for God to show off His sustaining, encouraging, and even disciplining grace. Day 1 is an avoidance dare, and I …
Mother of Many
There’s a promise in Isaiah 54:1, that the desolate or barren woman will have more children than she who is married. This was true of my Aunt Bettie, long a single woman yet surrounded by children and young adults, and it is turning out to be true of me. My fourth “~grandchild~” was just …
Forty Days (#11-13)
With this, I may be caught up, for a little while… I am thankful for my American Heritage – like every other group of humans, we’ve made some horribly wrong decisions from time to time, often due to common character ailments such as short-sighted greed. Meanwhile, we’re still (for as long as it lasts) a …
Forty Days (#8-10)
…still catching up… I’m thankful for scriptures in our language – It would be an untruth to say that I take full advantage of this blessing, but I’m thankful for it all the same. I can read for myself what God has said, kept secure, and honored over the centuries. I can rely on the …