I took my dog to the park yesterday, and within half an hour, she rolled in poop, again! We’ve had this discussion before, she and I, that the substance she takes such joy in is post-digested and discarded food from another dog – it’s downright gross, how could she find this appealing??!! Of course, I …
Dressed Up??
There’s a protocol for real clowns – once assembled as the clown, the human person isn’t to be found. There are people who dress up for masquerade balls or beggar’s night, and the differences are easy for real clowns to spot. Christians also come in two varieties… the real ones, and those who are dressed up.
Deaf Ministry Considerations
I have yet to assemble what could be called a ‘white paper’ on deaf ministry, but here are a few key points.
We Are Deaf
A captioned introduction to the Deaf Community, worldwide, produced by DeafNation. Deaf people from 27 different countries are represented. We who know God and their language must step forward and make introductions – it is our prime directive.
Death of Pretty
I didn’t write this – and I certainly can’t improve upon it, but it’s more than worth sharing, and so I shall. The Death of Pretty It’s an article in the National Catholic Register, but has nothing to do with Catholicism. It’s a discussion on the difference between “pretty” and “hot”, and our culture’s unfortunate …