
Rollercoaster Day

…just another one o’those days when the emotions go everywhere…

Church, Online

There are no accusations, no measuring rods, no bullwhips or bullhorns – just empathy, encouragement, a few suggestions of where others found help – one beggar telling another beggar where he found bread – church, online. Is your church anything like what these people are finding online? Shouldn’t it be?

Week 6

Would you like to know where week 5 went?? So would I!! Let’s just say that Entrepreneurship isn’t one of my spiritual gifts…

Who Leaves New Religious Movements, and Why?

Generally speaking, the transition out of a cult is the reverse of the transition into it.  As events, relationships and impressions occur that disrupt the rewards, ideology, intensity, or affective ties of the cult, members choose whether to stay or move on to something different (or back to something they had before). Balch defines stages …

Who Joins New Religious Movements, and Why?

In a family with three children, all growing up under the same roof & rules, with comparable life experiences, attending the same university, it is entirely possible for one to become a faithful Christian, one to become a drifter, and one to become a devout cult member.  This flies in the face of the standard …