Signs have the following definable components: The one undeclared component that makes a huge difference is Context… The sign I learned as METAL is used by some folks up here to mean TRASH. LETTUCE and TRASH seem to be the same (trash salad, anyone?), and the sign I learned as PURSE is commonly used to …
Week 2
This week, the primary health concern has again faded toward the background – it’s still worth monitoring, but I’ve seen improvement. On the other hand, one of the travelling bugs has decided to visit me, this one with sinus & coughing issues, and the sensation of being much warmer than my other ill friends who …
Begin with the End in Mind
Now a common phrase elevated practically to buzzword, “Begin with the End in Mind” is number two on Steven Covey’s “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”. In short, it’s a catchy phrase reminding people, whether in business or in life, to set a goal and justify or reject all pursuits on the basis of whether …
Cults – What are they?
New Religious Movements, or Cults, are defined by sociologists to be groups and beliefs counter to the society’s accepted norm, and by theologians to be groups and beliefs counter to the established doctrines of the majority religion. For America, then, a cult would be any group that goes against the Judeo-Christian doctrines, whereas in Islam-dominant …
Week 1
Make that, the first full week. We started last Thursday, and since then I’ve been focused on staying afloat. Those who know me know there’s a health issue to deal with, and I’m having a rather fragile time of it at the moment. Not to worry, God’s plans never fail, even when we fail miserably. …