
Dear TJG…

Note to an infant – life needs restarts, margins, and even plot twists.

Pick a Gospel, any Gospel

Even a declared belief in Jesus comes in several varieties. Which one do you choose??

Oh Caption, My Caption!!

The “Oh Captain, My Captain” references looking at things from a different perspective. Welcome to a look behind the curtain of captioning…

Hello Spring of ’21

Ministry report/update. Timeline, new Executive, exciting news, prayer list.

Dear Santa (2020)

What a year, eh? It’s been crazy, but I’m still blessed and thankful, content without another thing. If I don’t try to make a list, though…you know the rest…so here goes. I’m postponing my birthday this year. The 23rd is my host’s 90th birthday, and we’re going to celebrate as big as 2020 and stroke …