She had allowed herself to dream that maybe, if she could become a better person, just maybe she could meet Him someday. Never, in her worst nightmares, did she imagine she would meet him like this…
Dare to Compare – Not!
Lord, forgive me for comparing – it’s a nasty habit we humans have – and remind me that You are amazingly able to love us equally, and you want us to share your love, as we experience it, with each other.
Hands Off
God has gone to great lengths to remind me that He’s got everything well in hand. In this instance, as in many that other people are facing, “ugly doesn’t necessarily mean out of control”.
Word of the day: Overcome
God wants us to move from being in whatever condition we’re in to the place of Overcoming. His grace is sufficient, and He will be the one to get us through rough situations and get the praise for our overcoming. Let the Peace of Christ Rule.
A Place Called Hell
No soul that comes into existence will ever ‘not be,’ so eternal life for every soul is a given. The next question becomes, what kind of life, where?