
The Spiritual Disciplines, Door to Liberation

Reading through the chapter, familiar material after many years in holiness churches, I was struck with the phrase “will worship” and the perspective the author pointed out – we worship our willpower.
Paul’s writings [show a] clear theme that was never far from his pen – the strongest self-discipline is of no avail, frankly worthless, in the pursuit of God and the Holy life.

If it’s raining outside and my deepest desire is to get wet, what must I do? Answer: go outside & stand in the rain. Application: God’s pouring the rain, do you wanna get wet or not?

Style Variations on a Theme

Assignment: Take a known story and express a portion of it in the various communication styles – y’know, narrative, persuasive, etc… Enjoy.

Family Reunion

1988 – my grandfather heard this song twice, the year before he left us – it is now part of the annual traditional activities, being sung at least once every year since it was written

Who packs your ‘chute?

If you’re relying on the parachute, you will fly – no matter what – no flapping required.
If you’re relying on your own flapping, well, the fall isn’t what kills you – it’s that sudden stop at the end…