
Singles Profile #1

Finding my life’s partner has been my greatest desire, but not my highest priority, and this isn’t the only paradox in my world.  Music is my greatest passion & inspiration, but I’m committed to minister to and among deaf people.  There is no stereotype or ‘box’ that I fit into, and I like it that …

Singles Profile 3

Time for a new approach on the profile… …let’s get down to brass tax and challenge, as though it were a game where one could gain & lose points (which, truth be told, it pretty much is at this stage).

Little Brother

[W]ith all the attention he got, Sheila found herself wishing they’d just send him back with the stork that brought him. Over the next several years, she repeated that wish to anyone who might be able to do something about it – Jesus, Santa, the Easter Bunny… she even left a note with the zookeeper, just in case that stork ever flew in to visit his family.

the Teddy Bear

The bear was indeed handsome! He was as soft as kitten fur, as fluffy as one would imagine a cloud to be, his modern joints allowed him to stand, sit, and reach his arms out for a hug, and his black eyes shone with radiance and pride. He was the finest of bears, one of a kind, and incredibly valueable.

It’s not your demographic, it’s your inappropriate behavior!

Persecution happens, all over the world, for a variety of reasons, most equally inexcusable. But c’mon, people, not every little inconvenience is worthy to be called persecution. Sometimes it’s just an appropriate response to inappropriate behavior.