
Help Me Grow

Long ago, Mom made an Artex wallhanging of “Children Learn What They Live” – a great poem by Dorothy Law Nolte, Ph.D., and worthy of parents’ frequent reading. I’ve read it so often that I’m certain it had influence on this one, which says some of the same things, but is more wordy. ———————- Please… …

Notes on Life

‘k…so I’ve been writing a letter to my neice for her 16th B’day… and writing… and writing… some of it’s good stuff…stuff I’d tell my crew if given another chance or two… and, lest it take my dear niece until her 17th birthday to read it all, I figured I’d put some o’that out here …

Crappy Sex

BOOTH: “Making love – making love – that’s when two people become one.”
BONES: “It is scientifically impossible for two objects to occupy the same space.”

It Ain’t Necessarily So

Hypotheses and studies that aren’t quite ready to leave the lab yet are touted as late breaking sensational information by many ratings-seeking news outlets & ambitious reporters.

Timing is Everything

God is Good, All the Time… and He’s personally, intimately acquainted with my ways…and how/when to arrange things and schedules and people to not only bring about His purposes in this world and our lives, but also to give us some of the most precious gifts that may have no great affect on the cosmos, but are very important to each of us personally.