Reference: I Cor 13:11 I Spoke as a Child That’s Not Fair! (appropriate when you’re ready to do something about injustice) I Want My Mommy/Daddy! (appropriate sometimes, but God is our support) Mine’s Better than Yours (appropriate when discussing Theology/Faith – as in, which God is GOD?) My Turn! (your turn to take on responsibilities …
You are Loved
Anybody into scavenger hunts or murder mysteries? Clues everywhere, and things you’d never put together until the super-sleuth explains it all, and says “Elementary!”, as though the whole tangle were mere child’s play.
God knows that our patience and our trust run thin, our fears run deep, and our feet sometimes simply want to run – far, and fast, and forever. He loves us enough to let us beat on his chest & scream that life’s not fair and we don’t like it when our plans fall through…
Fountain of Pain
For an object lesson, everyone received dixie cups and some water from a watering jug – this represented “life force” which God gives to everyone…it could be money, influence, health, talent, any number of things – every good & perfect gift is from God.
Armor of God
Put on the Full Armor of God — Not the armor of men, for it is not strong enough — The Full Armor, not just the comfortable pieces – any less will leave you vulnerable Put on the Helmet of Salvation — Protect your mind with the knowledge of your security and the price Christ …