
Five Minute Friday – “Try”

A few weeks ago, I decided to join Five Minute Friday. It’s a group of bloggers who free-write for exactly five minutes on a one-word prompt. The word that week was “Try,” and I like the idea I came up with, but Friday came and went without me getting it typed and submitted. I still …

Five Minute Friday – “Speak”

In America, thanks to the first amendment to the constitution, you have the right to express yourself. But please, America, let’s express ourselves responsibly.

Two Roads…Which is the Path of Wisdom?

The road divides. One path is paved with brick, the other with stone. There are lamps on each, about 50 yards ahead. Beyond that, darkness. This is your journey, your choice – but where is the Wisdom you seek to guide you?

Dear Someone, Thank You!

Lifelong Christians aren’t supposed to get frustrated, or discouraged, or wonder if they’ve made enough errors to be abandoned. Seeing miracles from time to time is supposed to shelter the faithful ones from all forms of doubt. Or, that’s what we tell ourselves…or perhaps tell each other. Well, this lifelong Christian, called missionary, and observer …

Blogging at Our Ministry

Hey friends – Every time I open this website, I see how woefully behind I am in writing blog articles. That’s not recommended if you want to get your brand or message out to new people, or keep the interest of those who have followed you before. But there’s good news – I HAVE been …