Dear Santa (2015)

Dear Santa –

Just like last year, I really don’t need stuff.  I have areas stuffed with stuff.  Honestly, this year’s birthday gift was so big that a Christmas list seems greedy. But I know that lists make it easier to get checkmarks – Mrs. Claus and I both like checkmarks.

Unlike last year, I’m not really prepared to suggest that you and the elves go shopping at my store – if you could lend me a few elves who enjoy graphic design and web store organization, that would be a fabulous gift. Then again, store’s open 24/7, no buyers turned away.

The suggestions for things to wrap and put under the tree look a lot like last year. (Thanks for the steering wheel cover and the defrosting sprays.) Mint Tea and Andes Mints are always a great choice, along with Sierra Mist Cranberry and Slim Fast Mint (both only available during fall/winter).  A 10-pack of tissues in the upright square boxes would be a very welcome large gift – a gal can’t have too many tissues. Oh, and you’ll remember that Mom got me hooked on the Kimberly’s granola at Sam’s – they’ve bumped the price to “special treat” status.

There are some films I’d like to add to my collection:

  • War Room, the latest from the Kendrick Brothers
  • Insurgent, Divergent’s 2nd film
  • Freedom, with Cuba Gooding Jr
  • Another Perfect Stranger

and a CD or two:

  •  Awake My Soul by Nicol Sponberg
  • On Our Way Home by Nicol Sponberg
  • Resurrection by Nicol Sponberg

For my host, Apple Butter BBQ Sauce is always a hit, and he’d get weekly use out of an IHoP gift card. He really appreciated the videos you brought him last year, and we enjoyed watching them almost immediately.

As for my stocking,  I could use a refill of Mary Kay eye shadow, Hazelnut, #883500 KA12, for when I don the warpaint. Gift Cards are always a great stocking choice.  I get fuel at Speedway and Marathon, fast food at Taco Bell and Subway, more nutritious bites at Panera, Culver’s, and Chick-Fil-A (which are also great places for writing and free wifi), and road trip tea at McDonald’s. On splurging occasions, I go for Applebee’s, Bob Evans, Red Lobster, and Texas Roadhouse.

Thanks for funding my library card and ACFW membership, I’m set for a while on membership fees.  I’ve made some progress in writing, but there’s nothing to put in the stockings of others just yet. About that graphic design elf… 😉

I’ll be making a request of my friends and family soon, that they would host fundraising parties and get excited about Krispy Kreme donut sales and profit share nights at local restaurants. First, I have a little more writing and graphic designing to do…

I know that world peace and clearing the national debt are items you’d have to pass up the chain of command, and He already has a plan for those, so this wraps up my list for this year.  Honestly, I’m still well taken care of and highly thankful for my Provider and His partners, known and unknown.  You all take care of so much during the year, I really can’t ask for more.

Have yourself a Merry Christmas, and may the New Year be full of happy memories and glad tidings.


PS:  and could you keep most of the snow and cold at the poles, please??